10 Secret Video Game Transformations EVERYONE Missed

8. Shedinja - Pokemon

world of warcraft skeleton

Pokemon evolutions are a staple of the series, and while most evolutions differ from Pokemon to Pokemon, it's safe to say most people get the gist of how they work.

Except there is one hidden Pokemon transformation that is so bizarre and unique that most players don't even know it exists until someone tells them or they accidentally discover it themselves—the evolution of Shedinja.

The bug Pokemon Nincada secretly possesses two distinct transformations that trigger upon its evolution: its standard second form of Ninjask and Shedinja, a mysterious bug-ghost Pokemon with a halo over its head.

The only way to evolve Nincada into Shedinja is to evolve it into Ninjask while keeping at least one empty Pokemon slot on your team. This will cause Shedinja to appear on your team after Nincada turns into Ninjask, giving you two Pokemon for the price of one!

Given its ghastly secondary type and angelic appearance, it's safe to assume Nincada's secret transformation is its spirit that left its shell after Nincada finished its metamorphosis.

So does this mean Ninjasks have no souls? Do Pokeballs come equipped with soul-trapping technology, Ghostbusters style?

Well, as is the case with most things in Pokemon, some questions are better left unanswered...

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.