10 Secret Ways Video Games Play YOU
2. Counter Windows Are More Generous Than You Think To Boost Player Self-Esteem
It's pretty much a staple of third-person action-adventure games these days, like Assassin's Creed and Batman: Arkham, that players will be given a small window of time to perform stunning counter attacks against enemies.
And while the entire conceit of counter attacks requires players to react quickly and marvel in the satisfying attack that follows, the time windows for these counters are actually a good deal more generous than the games themselves tend to indicate.
Even if you hit a few split seconds outside of the stated window, the counter will typically still register in most games from the genre, with the idea being that it helps players feel as though they're a total badass.
It's basically the coding equivalent of patting the player on the back and allowing the inherent power fantasy of video games to be as potent as possible.