10 Seriously Dark Video Game Endings

1. Telltale’s The Walking Dead Season One

The Walking Dead Lee Telltale Ending

Honestly, you couldn’t really go wrong with any of the endings to Telltale’s Walking Dead seasons for this list but Lee and Clementine’s bond was iconic so we’ll go with the original.

Part of the reason this one hurts so much is that the narrative expertly puts you in the shoes of Lee and the stakes are so high and constantly life-or-death that you naturally bond with the other zombie apocalypse survivors, none more so than your adoptive ward, Clementine.

Throughout the game you make brutal choices of who to save, who to feed, when to steal, who to leave behind, and how to educate or protect Clem through the realities of the nasty game world. All the while when you make choices the game tells you ‘So-and-so will remember this’. In the end, it’s just the two of you. Lee is mortally wounded and has been bitten by a walker.

Clem finds her zombified parents she hoped had survived and drags her only surviving surrogate parent to an abandoned store. You then have the option to ask her to kill you before you turn or tell her to run. No matter what you decide the game instructs you that Clementine will remember this.

If that’s not sad enough, you can always head on over to Season Two which is effectively a depression simulator with zombies.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.