10 Shameful Gaming Moments You'll Never Live Down

5. Seeking Out The Uncensored Mod For The Punisher's Interrogations

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCwB2U42q_c Back in the lead-up to Punisher's 3D debut in 2006, there was a huge amount of press coverage doing the "Won't you think of the children?!" dance. Mainly because of GTA's trilogy of carnage across III, Vice City and San Andreas, reactionary 'news' outlets like Fox News and in the UK, The Daily Mail, made it their mission to set gaming's darkest material up as the antichrist. As a core part of the gameplay was interrogating anyone you like by way of controlling your force with the right analogue stick, this was deemed far worse than anything that'd gone before ("You're in direct control of torturing someone!" apparently), leading to THQ employing a black and white filter over everything, as well as making the camera hilariously dart away from any of the executions that would follow your actions. This stayed in place for ooh, say a few seconds? Even the PC demo had a hacker's mod mentioned alongside it at every turn - something that come the release of the final game almost nobody on earth actually played the way it was intended. Were you going to pass up watching some perp get his teeth mashed on a curb or being fed eyeball-first to the business end of an industrial drill? Of course not.
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Gaming Editor

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