10 Shameful Gaming Moments You'll Never Live Down

3. Mashing The Threesome Button In God Of War

You have to love a game purpose-built to be the most overblown male fantasy experience possible. However, Sony's exclusive carve 'em up didn't know when to stop, going from a somewhat playful sex minigame in the first title whereby after saving some random women the camera would cut away as you hammer a button to 'get it awn', to a part in GoW 3 where you're lobbing a female slave into some cogs, killing her to progress through the level. The game is quite literally saying women are objects at this point, but it's the sequelisation of the sex minigames that backed it up, throwing out random groups of ladies seemingly trained to leap at the nearest sight of male genitals at a moment's notice. It saw you partaking in numerous threesomes everywhere from in the middle of fighting a giant boss, to bedding someone's wife and slaughtering the husband later on. As you do.
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