10 Shocking Video Game Betrayals That Scarred You For Life

1. Liquid Snake - Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid Liquid Snake

Hands down, the greatest betrayal in gaming history.

It's such a soap opera-style, wig-whipping "A-HA!" moment too - the reveal that your companion Master Miller was actually main villain Liquid Snake, comes with the perfect amount of buildup.

There you are, attempting to stop the hulking Metal Gear REX from powering up and blowing a hole in the side of the world's populace, then compadre Master Miller starts talking a bit more sinisterly than usual. It's strange, but you go with it - until Colonel Campbell pops up on the radio and says Miller's body has been just been discovered at his home... except it looks like he's been dead for three days.

Campbell's voice gains an air of hysteria, "Snake, you've been talking to..."

"Me... dear brother", as Miller has become Liquid Snake, his changed appearance now staring you down.

"Did you like my sunglasses?"



Which other gut-punch reveals have stayed with you to this day? Let us know in the comments!


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