10 Shocking Video Game Deaths That Came Out Of Nowhere

8. Eli Vance - Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Eli Vance Half Life 2 Death

Half-Life left a big impact on the video game industry, partly because of its groundbreaking gameplay systems and storytelling. Anchoring all of this are protagonist Gordon Freeman and the characters he meets along the way who aid him in his journey. In Half Life 2, Gordon joins up with a resistance movement against the Combine led by Eli Vance, a former Black Mesa researcher and Alyx Vance’s father. Alyx is also in the resistance and has a giant robot called Dog.

Fast forward through the high octane series of events until we hit the end of Half-Life 2: Episode 2 when players think they finally have the upper hand on the Combine.

Gordon, Eli, Alyx, and the crew successfully launch a rocket at the Combine portals but before they can start truly celebrating, two Advisor machines burst into the warehouse and impale Eli through the brain. The final shot of the game is Alyx crying over her father’s body. Her final words to his lifeless body are “Don’t leave me”. It’s absolutely devastating and I’m sorry for reminding you about it.

There is a little more to it if you play Half-Life: Alyx but that game’s still pretty new so I won’t spoil it for you here just in case.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.