10 Shocking Video Game Finales NOBODY Understands

7. Drakengard

Drakengard Ending E
Square Enix

Chances are you’ve either played Drakengard and know why it’s on this list or you haven’t and I’ve got quite a story for you.

The 2003 action-RPG has a lot of familiar touchstones from the outset. A grand fantasy setting, a protagonist seeking vengeance over his family tragedy, and a mission to protect the land against evil beasties. In Drakengard the big bad are called the Watchers and they turn out to be giant babies. It’s already weird, but we’ve seriously just started. The Watchers are led by an even bigger baby called The Mother.

Not to worry, you’ve got this under control. She opens a portal in the sky to modern day Tokyo but you take her out by playing a rhythm game. Cool, so things are going well.

Not so fast, the Japanese air force flies in, and I’m not kidding, shoots you and your dragon down and you get impaled on Tokyo Tower.

Holy s**t, I hear you say, I hope there’s other endings! Not to worry, there sure is. Let me run you through your other options.

Alternative Option 1) your best friend dies saving the world, option two, your sister dies and is resurrected as an army of monsters who doom the world, option three, your bestie gets corrupted and an army of dragons doom the world, or option four, you freeze time forever and the Watcher baby freaks doom the world and eats everyone. Fantastic.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.