10 Shocking Video Game Twists You Never Saw Coming

1. Red Dead Redemption - John Marston Dies


When compiling this list, Red Dead Redemption's final chapter was the first and best example of a shocking twist that sprang (sprung? Sprong? Sprawnged?) to mind. The poignant sense of fury, injustice, and sorrow players experienced when John Marston gets gunned down at his own home after kissing his wife and son goodbye is what video games are all about. As Marston, a reformed gang member, you are roped into doing jobs for a corrupt government agent who has kidnapped your family. After each mission, the agent assures Marston that he's one step closer to being reunited with his loved ones. After being strung along for an extended period of time, Marston's family is finally released and they all live peacefully on their ranch in the plains. However, after a couple months of peace, the government agent returns and kills you, John Marston, in front of your barn. This unbelievable turn of events is probably the biggest video game shock of the 21st century, and rounds out this list of the 10 Shocking Video Game Twists You Never Saw Coming. Thanks for reading! Conversation is welcome in the comments.
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Eller likes a lot of old video games, and some new video games. Follow him on Twitter (@JordanEller) for updates about articles, but mostly silly jokes.