10 Shockingly Easy Final Bosses In Iconic Video Games

3. Ganondorf - The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Nintendo is one of the few developers in the world that can get away with pitting us against the same villains time and time again without anyone batting an eyelid. No one ever complains that Nintendo's being unimaginative when Bowser or Ganondorf turn up and ruin for yet another Mario or Zelda game, but I bet that if Kevin Spacey was the bad guy in all Call of Duty games for eternity, you'd be a bit miffed, wouldn't you? That's because Ganondorf and his Mr Hyde alter-ego, Ganon is a great supervillain.

He's big, troll-like and ginger, and Nintendo is creative enough to keep encounters with him varied and interesting. But even Ganondorf has his bad days, as we saw in Twilight Princess. The fight is a no-nonsense duel in the middle of Hyrule Field, which is a fitting setting. But after a tense clash-of-swords quick-time event to start the fight, you realise that the ginger troll suffers from that all-too-common inability to deal with constantly being circled. Isn't Ganondorf supposed to be some kind of magician? Can't he throw a few bolts of death your way just to throw you off course a bit?

Nope, he just ambles towards you and swings his sword like an ordinary medieval grunt. Time also been kind to this encounter. While the rest of Twilight Princess - like most Zelda games - is timeless, the final battle feels very tame by today's standards, for whom the great Ganondorf will feel like little more than an average encounter.


Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.