10 Sidelined Nintendo Characters That Deserve Their Own Game

4. Falco Lombardi

Nintendo are scared of Star Fox. They are scared because no one really liked the last few games he had, as those games kept introducing new mechanics and gameplay that simply denied us the on-rails space-shooting action we so dearly desired. They recently announced they're working on a new entry in the series too, but wait - hear us out, Nintendo. Let's make a deal. You can continue to experiment with Fox McCloud. You can put him in a zany platformer, or even a puzzle game about catching chickens. In return, you have to make a game about Falco dogfighting in space. Doesn't it make sense? Falco is a badass and most Star Fox fans would be happy to get a new on-rails Fox game starring this awesome avian adventurer flying through the galaxy taking out evil monkeys and doing barrel rolls. Nintendo need to take this series back to its roots rather than taking it to dinosaur planets and weird on-foot shooting sections, and what better way to reinvigorate the whole thing than putting this awesome secondary character at the helm? And the name of this new game? GALAXY FALCON.
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A young man with a hairy face. Will often tell you that winter is coming before retreating to his mancave to play video games with a wooly jumper at the ready, just in case.