10 Simple Questions That Break Famous Video Game Stories In Half

1. If Your Ghost Brings You Back To Life, How Are Their "No Respawn Zones"?

Destiny Ghost

The conceivable prevention of Aeris' death may be emotionally-charged enough to score highly on this list, but it falls short in comparison to questions about a core mechanic that seriously devalues the narrative of 2014's Destiny.

For all of the criticisms about Bungie's MMO shooter, concerns about the story have been few and far between. There's a big one sat right under our noses, however, and it's a real doozy. Given that the Ghost is able to revive the player's Guardian from the dead at the start of the game, how is the existence of any "no respawn" zone justified?

The Ghost doesn't leave the player's side when they enter these so-called dark zones, so what stops them being useful in these more dangerous areas? It's not as if we ever see them getting destroyed by enemies, so why would being forced back to a more peaceful checkpoint make any conceivable sense in the realms of that story?

In truth the inclusion of Dark Zones are simply a mechanic to make the game more difficult in patches, but it's a fairly lazy tool and one that has negative implications on the validity of the story and the lore around it. Finding some other way to up the campaign difficulty in these sections may have been more work for the developers, but it would've been worth the effort to preserve the narrative integrity of an apparently burgeoning new IP.


You've seen ten examples of video game stories being busted open, now tell us what simple questions have made you reassess the merits of famous video game narratives!


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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.