10 Simple Questions That Break Famous Video Game Stories In Half

3. How Does The Normandy's Crew Escape So Fast In Mass Effect 3?

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The "original" endings for Mass Effect 3 were considered contentious by many of fans of the series for a whole variety of reasons. Overstated senses of audience entitlement aside, however, there weren't many of the ungrateful complaints that could be considered particularly appropriate, or even valid.

One question that does raise a major issue with the validity of the ending concerns the fate of Shepard's crew. As you'd expect, these companions fight staunchly alongside their leader during the final stages of the game, making the relationships you forged with them over the endless dialogue and side-missions feel genuinely meaningful. Take your eye of the action for a second, though... and they're all gone.

Making an apparently instant teleport back to the Normandy and seemingly managing to get thousands of miles from the Mass Relay blasts, Shepard's crew pulled off one of the most insanely convenient - dare we say Star Trek-esque - escapes in sci-fi history. If such feats of speed are possible, how did anyone even end up getting killed by the Reapers at all?

There's also the question of why our companions would abandon us so readily after all we've been through, but let's not depress ourselves with that loneliness right now...


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.