10 Simple Video Games That Are Too Brutal To Master

4. Team Fortress 2

As with most games, there are fundamental skills that need to be mastered in order for you to play Team Fortress 2 effectively. However, unlike most other games, TF2 has nine different playstyles, all of which are hugely, immeasurably dissimilar from the last

With each class, comes different tactics, approaches and skills. While some are fairly simple and easy to master, like the Soldier and the Heavy, others are less so. The Spy for instance, requires patience and tactfulness, which for some Team Fortress players is impossible. Having a good Spy, or an effective Scout can make a break a certain situation; equally, having a competent Medic on your team can end up being the deciding factor in a tight game.

While there are many great Team Fortress players out there, most of them have their favourite characters, and they like to stick to them. It€™s very rare that you€™ll find anyone who€™s a legitimate jack of all trades; an impeccable Heavy doesn€™t necessarily make an effective Demoman, or an Engineer.


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.