10 Simple Ways To Make The Perfect Dragon Ball Z Game

1. Challenging Story Mode

At this point it is standard for every Dragon Ball game to have a story mode of some kind. Usually they just end up retelling the story of Dragon Ball Z with some added elements here and there, though some games like Xenoverse have done some interesting new things. In truth, a great Dragon Ball game doesn€™t need a super complex story mode so much as one that does its best to put you in the role of the heroes, and the best way to do this is to emphasize challenge over anything else. When you fight Frieza on Namek, it should properly reflect the difficulty of that fight. It should be an intense and gruelling fight that requires the player to use every skill at their disposal. Therefore, the priority of this mode should be to faithfully retell the story of Dragon Ball all the way through Dragon Ball Super while focusing on challenge and skill above all else. Every major opponent you fight should be harder than the last and correspond to the challenge that character posed in the series. There could even be a villain mode in which you choose a villain character and alter history as you cut your way through the heroes. It would offer a nice alternative to the main story mode that allows players to dabble in their darker side. Sure, there's certainly a temptation to make the story mode bigger and more complex, but a simpler mode that prioritises gameplay above all else is the better way to go so as to focus on what matters: fast, furious, and satisfyingly addictive over-the-top fighting. What do you think would make a perfect Dragon Ball video game? Let us know in the comments!

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.