10 SOUL-CRUSHING Second Phase Boss Reveals
Just when you thought it was over, they come back for seconds!

Picture the scene: you've spent hours battling against a boss who has brought you to your limits. Your hands are cramping, your mind is racing, and your controller is breaking under the strain. But, after all the struggle, you finally strike them down with one final blow. Victory, joy, and happiness consume you. Until, shock, horror, a second health bar appears, and the crushing realisation hits you. Oh no, this boss has a second phase.
If you're lucky enough to have never experienced this devastating feeling, then that's good for you. But for everyone else, it's an all too familiar ordeal that can make you question your sanity.
Multi-phase bosses have been a staple of the industry for decades now. They often lead to thrilling showdowns that add bountiful tension to a battle and heighten the stakes. That said, realising that a boss is coming back for more can sometimes feel like a brutal gut punch.
Nothing crushes your spirit quite like a second-phase reveal, and the following ten entries are some of the best (or worst, depending on who you ask) examples.
10. Urd - Thymesia

This boss won't get you quaking in your boots upon first sight, especially compared to other enemies in the underrated Soulslike Thymesia. But you know what happens if you judge a book by its cover? You get decimated by triple thrusts, insane sword skills, and a two-phased fight, that's what.
Urd, The King's Dagger, is a wickedly fast and hard-hitting foe that will test your mettle. Players who have mastered parries will struggle less, but those looking to duck and weave will be in for some punishment. That's why it hurts so much when she comes back for seconds.
After struggling against this Javelin Sword wielder for what feels like aeons, you'll eventually whittle her health to zero. But that won't stop her as she immediately regains a health bar with barely a three-second cutscene.
This is something Thymesia players will have experienced before, as previous bosses like Odur and Varg have similar second-phase reveals. But given how wickedly challenging Urd is, you kinda wish she'd missed the memo.