10 Soulsborne Bosses You Can Beat Without Gittin' Gud

8. Taurus Demon (Dark Souls)

Taurus Demon Dark Souls
From Software

Oh Taurus Demon, you sure do make quite the impression when you leap up onto the Undead Burg bridge, and might actually claim a fair few lives with your massive sweeping strikes. You’ve even got some annoying mates behind the player who pepper them with arrows. However, you’re not the smartest lad at the bonfire are you?

I say this because if you can’t be bothered fighting the Taurus Demon fairly, there are two ways to cheese this boss that require little skill. The first and most obvious is to climb the ladder and plunge attack like there’s no tomorrow,. The second is actually far easier and far far cheesier.

All you have to do is bait the leaping attack while standing in front of the broken part of the bridge and he’ll sail into the ether like a big old idiot. A bull in a china shop has more wherewithal than this giant beast, so why not exploit his aggression and send him to the cleaners?


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Video Editor and recent addition to the madness of the Gaming team, when she's not chatting about games, thinking about games, or playing games, she's streaming them on twitch. Tweet her pictures of dogs @DontRachQuit