10 Sports That Deserve Truly Great Video Games
5. Table Tennis
Whether you played it at a grew up before selfie sticks and like-4-likes and played it with friends at a local youth club or just went to school somewhere so rainy that it was the only feasible indoor PE activity, pretty much everyone will have a table tennis experience or two. I recently bottled a 19-14 lead and lost against a colleague when we played together drunk in a night club at 1 AM. Just great times...
My failures aside, table tennis is another sport that's mostly only featured in compilation video games or smartphone apps. It's a sad state of affairs to have to admit that the apps have done the best job of representing the frenetic pace of the real thing, but it is the truth.
Table tennis would make for the perfect pick-up-and-play game. Since the matches can be pretty short, this wouldn't be the type of game that sucks your precious free time into a black hole every weekend. Something that captures the fierce competition of professional table tennis would be such an exciting reaction-based game; creating a player to look like Forrest Gump may also be a pleasant side effect...