10 Stephen King Novels That Should Be Video Games
There are a few works that stand out as having the potential to make truly excellent games.
There was a time when Stephen King could do no wrong. That time, was known as always. I dont care if you think The Mangler was bad. Shut up, it was awesome. You didnt like the one about machines suddenly coming alive and killing people with soda cans, because of a comet? Well, thats clearly because you dont understand the underlying meaning, which is Shut up, its awesome. Anyway, I digress. Wait, I guess I would have to have point to digress from it. Well, the point is, Stephen King is (whether you think so or not) one of the most celebrated authors of our generation. He has written literally hundreds of stories, been the screenwriter for dozens of movies, and appeared in the best movie ever (Monkey Bone, obviously). Yet, in all of this, the only videogame based on his work is the free flash game hosted by his website, Discordia. But with such a large library of work to choose from, and videogame tie-ins quickly becoming the most popular way of increasing the profit margin of an intellectual property, a Stephen King videogame is all but an eventuality. Now, personally I hope its just a Stephen King life simulator, in which you spend hours on hours telling your character to sit at his computer answering fan mail and banging out best sellers. However, if it ends up being based on his actual work, there are a few works that stand out as having the potential to make truly excellent games.