10 Stupidest Video Game Titles Of All Time

4. Resident Evil

Resident Evil is one of the biggest and most successful franchises in contemporary gaming (despite the rather sorry state it's ended up in these days), such that we've all forgotten just how laughably ridiculous the title is. Alright, the "Evil" part is fine, but there are so many other words that could have preceded it and fit better than "Resident". It's perhaps difficult to admit given how long the series has been around, but yeah, Resident Evil is a really goofy title that totally sounds like a dodgy literal translation of the Japanese (but considering the Japanese is Bio-hazard and the American band of the same name had already taken the US rights to it, that actually isn't the case). It refers to an evil lurking nearby, which I suppose is at least factually accurate, but it's not the most immediately catchy of titles, even though it did obviously manage to work for consumers. The ominous narrator shouting it out at the start of every game no doubt helped a little.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.