10 Surprising Video Games You Can Beat Without Killing Anyone

8. Doom (1993)

Doom Pistol
GT Interactive

Yes, that Doom. The one whose moment to moment gameplay is usually made up of a tonne of executions strung together in quick succession. If you like, you can actually pop that gun away and beat the game without killing any hellspawn at all.

Not entirely sure if that’s really the paragon option here but it is possible.

As you can expect this is no small feat and as a result the act of speedrunning Doom levels on Ultra-Violence difficulty without harming any monsters has become a pretty coveted and competitive undertaking.

There are a few rules though, no harming monsters directly or indirectly, that includes destroying nearby barrels that hurt monsters and activating crushers which hurt monsters. You can cause monsters to attack each other, unintentional telefrags are permitted, and you are allowed to shoot your gun so long as your bullets don’t lodge themselves into any demons.

If you ever caught yourself thinking the world of Doom could all be fixed with a little more peace and love, this might be the pacifist run for you.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.