10 Terrible Video Game Movies That Ruined Iconic Characters

1. Everyone - Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

Resident Evil Wesker
New Line Cinema

After the disastrous reception of the Street Fighter live-action film, beat-em-up fans were terrified the Mortal Kombat film would turn out just as bad. However, Paul WS Anderson's adaptation is regarded as one of the better video game adaptations, due to its impressive stunts, excellent choreography, and kickass theme song. Also, the whole ensemble successfully captured the spirit of the game's characters.

The same cannot be said about the abominable sequel, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. One major flaw this follow-up suffers is it shoves in so many kombatants from the series, none of them have time to do anything. Fan-favourites like Baraka and Johnny Cage die in under a minute. Mileena, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Sonya are just... there.

Sadly, the characters who receive the most screen-time are also the most boring. Raiden is only there to dole out exposition. Jax's only purpose to to churn out one-liners. Shao Kahn hams it up more than a pig. And Sindel is infamous for having among the worst dialogue in cinema.

The only thing that's impressive about Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is how it incorporated 20 characters from the video game franchise and yet, failed to do justice for any of them.

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