10 Terrible Video Game Sequels Fanboys Conveniently Forget About

6. Ninja Gaiden 3

Ninja Gaiden 3.jpg

The brutal action of the Ninja Gaiden series has enchanted many a gamer over the years. Debuting in 2004, the original of the series sped along on the strength of some dazzling combat and a gameplay mechanics that were a challenge - but ultimately a joy - to master.

Those early instalments were not perfect, but there was enough padding around the flaws to help them be more easily overlooked. For Ninja Gaiden 3, however, this was no longer the case and any problems were more readily on show.

An attempt to hone the combat systems in the game became buried under a mess of faulty mechanics and a dreadful story involving an infected arm; the end result just barely managing to attach itself to the saga, failing to live up to its own name.

Let's just get it out there - if it were released under a new IP, this game would've been universally panned from day one.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.