10 Terrible Video Game Sequels Fanboys Conveniently Forget About

2. Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman Arkham Origins
Warner Bros.

Whenever anyone talks about how they want to see their favourite comic book hero given their own successful series of video games, they'll point to Batman's Arkham franchise as the yardstick for how that can be achieved.

And rightly so, of course; the Arkham series features some truly exciting super hero action. What won't be included in this talk, however, is the series' third instalment: Batman: Arkham Origins. Arkham Origins was the only title in the franchise not developed by Rocksteady, and that was evident in the lack of innovation and polish that the game had compared to the others.

This third instalment took the series' combat - its trump card from day one - and just decided to cram more of it into the game without any willing consideration for narrative. The story was awful, and using Batman to beat the snot out petty thugs is only fun when necessitated by a meaningful motivation.

Arkham Origins is, understandably, overlooked by many fans of the series.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.