10 Terrible Video Games You Clearly Only Bought For The Achievements

1. Avatar: The Last Airbender €“ The Burning Earth


There are some truly abysmal games on this list but at the very least, they provide a couple of hours of 'entertainment'; their achievement lists may not be challenging but at least they require you to see everything the game has to offer. These two elements are hardly redeeming factors but neither can be applied to the most infamously easy Gamerscore treasure trove known to man €“ Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Avatar might actually be a good game. It could have an incredibly brilliant story which is full of emotional highs and lows, leaving a rewarding and enriching experience. It could be a technical masterpiece with thrilling gameplay which constantly challenges and excites you. It could be all of these things but nobody will ever know because very few people will ever play this game for longer than five minutes.

In fact, the average time spent on this game is probably even lower than that. The full 1000GS for Avatar: The Last Airbender can be received in two minutes. TWO. MINUTES. It requires you to load the game, start the first level and then mash B until you've reached a 50 Hit Counter and completed every achievement in the game along the way. You don't need to kill any bosses, you don't need to beat the game, and you certainly don't need to do anything remotely challenging. Just mash B and recieve a free Gamerscore handout.

This notoriously easy achievement list has helped keep the game valuable; a brand new copy still costs nearly as much as a brand new Xbox One release. Avatar may not technically be a terrible game but it doesn't really matter as it will never be remembered as a game; it always be remembered as a quick Gamerscore injection that can then serve as a coaster.

Of course, there's plenty of other terrible games out there that we played just for the achievements. If you want to share the shame (and maybe help release some of your demons), feel free to discuss your horrific memories in the comments below. Remember, we're all friends here.

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.