10 TERRIBLE Video Games (That Secretly Saved Franchises)

7. Devil May Cry 2

Resident Evil 6 Leon

Devil May Cry 2 is one of the most disappointing video game sequels of all time, with fans and critics alike complaining about its decidedly lowered difficulty compared to its predecessor, the "dumbed down" combat and boss fights, bland environments, and inexplicably stoic personality transplant given to Dante.

While DMC2 really stung fans at the time, it ultimately helped fully crystallise to Capcom exactly what they wanted from the franchise in its infancy.

This led to Devil May Cry 3 walking back every single bad thing about the previous game - particularly that low difficulty level - and in turn becoming arguably the fan favourite game of the franchise.

As much as some might decry 2013's DmC reboot, it nevertheless retained the fluid, balletic carnage and goofy tone of its better predecessors, even if just about everybody was pleased to see Devil May Cry 5 return to the original continuity.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.