1. Zombie Dogs - Resident Evil (1996)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=X6klzozrF-U&NR=1 Resident Evil was one of the very first games I ever played and the experience still stays with me to this day. Granted, I was about six when it first came out so my expectations for something to be scary was pretty high. The zombies and all was one aspect I could deal with fine, but it was that corridor which really got me. In classic jump-scare fashion, you are walking along a corridor just hoping to get to the next room. "Hey, this is easy!" you may think, due to the lack of zombie moans, but oh how wrong you are. Taking a mere few steps more, the camera angle changes and - bam! - the window shatters and in leaps a zombified Fido. You've jumped out of your skin at this point, and as you start making haste to the exit, another hound bursts through the second window, effectively calling for you to turn you video game console off. Resident Evil: making fleeing like a little girl a viable option in survival horror since 1996. What games left you reaching for a clean pair of pants? Let us know in the comments section below.
Daniel McMurtry
Daniel McMurtry is a video game and film enthusiast from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is currently studying media at college and also dabbles in film making. You can follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/DanielMcMurtry
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