10 Terrifying Resident Evil Enemies You'll Never Get To See

3. The Hook Man - Resident Evil 4

Wesker Secret Experiments

The Hookman is pretty much an enemy solely designed to make you throw away your Funko pop collection as you won't want to see any more dead doll eyes for a long old while after tangling with it.

During development for Resident Evil 4 the game went through several stages of ideas, one of which was known internally as "Hallucination". This version of the game saw Leon infected with Las Plagas (much like in the final build), but here the infection would cause him to hallucinate as he travelled through the castle. Of course that meant that the enemies he faced in these scenes were much more outlandish in their design.

Enter the Hook Man an enemy with a porcelain face and a massive hook arm weapon who would step out of paintings and begin to chase Leon. Now the thought of a Tyrant style un-killable enemy is bad enough, but one that could appear from anywhere and who carries an emotionless mask for a face?

That is a huge nope from me.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.