10 Terrifying True Endings In Video Games

9. Far Cry 5

Woman - Fatal Frame 2

There are three ways your playthrough of Far Cry 5 can end. One is one of the franchise's now-infamous "wait for a while" secret endings. Another is the "Walk Away" ending, which sees you seemingly fall victim to Joseph Seed's brainwashing, killing Sheriff Whitehorse. But then, there's the "Resist" ending, which concludes with nuclear power destroying everything. Somehow, that last one is considered the "good" option.

The nihilistic and terrifying ending comes after you choose to resist Joseph Seed in the game's climax. You'll take part in a bonkers boss battle, and after you've beaten him, hell will be unleashed.

As Joseph is arrested, you witness a bright flash in the distance and see a nuclear explosion. After trying to escape, you eventually find yourself in a bunker with Seed, who confirms that this was The Collapse the cult was waiting for.

It's a pretty horrid way to end a game, but making it even worse is that, according to multiple developers and the spin-off sequel Far Cry New Dawn, this is the "true ending."

New Dawn is set 17 years after these events and confirms that in the chronology of the games, Joseph Seed managed to achieve his new world.

Maybe don't play this game after watching Oppenheimer.


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