10 Terrifying Video Game Horrors Nobody Saw Coming

7. The Baker Family (Resident Evil 7)

For awhile now, particularly the last two main series entries, Resident Evil has been moving away from survival horror to action shooter. In place of tense atmosphere and fear were hordes of increasingly grotesque enemies.

The Baker Family are about to change all of that.

Borrowing inspiration from “run-and-Hide” survival horrors like Alien Isolation and Outlast, much of what we've seen so far of Resident Evil 7 sees your character as an anti-Chris Redfield, trapped inside a dilapidated mansion with a family determined to stalk you and prevent your escape.

Patriarch Jack relies on brute strength, slowly stalking you but bursting through walls when you least expect it, while matriarch Marguerite possesses some kind of kinship with killer bugs. The younger Lucas is still a mystery, but all three are infected with something that gives them remarkable healing abilities.

Of course, more terrifying than all of these is the old woman that sits silently and unmoving in her chair. She might not have said anything yet, but she keeps showing up in unusual places, often in tight corridors where you have to squeeze passed. She hasn't jumped yet, but we all know its coming.

Whatever secrets the Baker Family are protecting, they can't be worse than the Deliverance family.

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Writer, aspiring author, and I won't stop travelling until I've seen it all. Whilst I might take a break now and then to rant about politics or muse over philosophy, I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves, buckle down, and spend some solid hours gaming!