10 Terrifying Video Game Jump Scares That Scarred You For Life

7. The 'Dog-Through-The-Window' - Resident Evil

resident evil

The classic. The original Resi's 'dog through the window' is the video game equivalent of Spielberg's floating corpse in Jaws - it just works, every single time.

At this stage you've either experienced it yourself or watched someone cack their knickers online (if not, I'd recommend cranking your headphones and giving it a whirl), but regardless, the key to why it's so effective comes specifically from the timing.

Or rather, the lack of it. Back in 1996, survival horror and horror games in general (especially in 3D) had nothing in regards to 'how' you were supposed to frame a given scenario, and with that in mind, you could've travelled back and forth down this same corridor hundreds of times attempting to find the right items to progress.

But once you've triggered this particular part of the code, unbeknownst to you, journeying back through said corridor triggers the evil dogs to burst through the window, meaning nobody - and I do mean nobody - saw it coming.

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