10 Terrifying Video Game Jump Scares That Scarred You For Life

2. The Feral Dog - The Walking Dead: Season 2

walking dead season 2 dog

For animal lovers, this is could easily be one of the scariest moments in gaming history. No sooner have we began season two of Telltale's adventure that the writers conjure one of the most effective and mind-scarring sequences I've ever played.

Picture it: A new story has begun, we're just getting accustomed to how young Clementine is living in this post-father figure world, and wouldn't you know it? There's a helpful dog who just might make for a new best friend.

Naturally you begin petting it and exploring, eventually finding a can of food and settling down to eat together. However, no sooner has a gentle moment played out where Clem decides to share her spoils with the dog, that it goes completely feral. Within a second your 'new best friend' is ravenously biting your hand, all in pursuit of securing more precious sustenance.

You're forced to stab it, kick it, put it down by any means necessary, lest you suffer the consequences. It's a real fight for survival, and the worst part is; you know exactly why the starving animal is acting the way it is.

Honestly, maybe this was predictable to some people, but for me, I've never been so mentally shaken by a gameplay sequence in my entire life.

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Dino Crisis
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