10 Things AEW’s Video Game Must Learn From WWE 2K22
9. More Match Types, The Better!
Here's something else 2K has finally started to realise.
WWE's games have wobbled on fresh match types over the years. Sometimes, bizarrely, they've even removed fan favourites for literally no reason. That led to negative feedback after the fact, which isn't something AEW's title can really afford if it hopes to become a long-running series of winners.
There's only one chance to make a positive first impression here. Company-specific matches like 'Stadium Stampede' and 'Blood & Guts' simply must be included on the match-type list out of the box. Yuke's don't have any excuses here. No-one is gonna settle for singles, tags and six-mans, for example.
Furnishing the game with a rich variety of matches should be near the top of Yuke's to-do list. Pro wrestling games cannot launch with a skeleton crew of options and expect people to be happy about it - not in 2022. 2K22 showed the way forward in this category.