10 Things Assassin's Creed Must Learn From Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain

3. Character Progression/Unlockable Moves

I'm springboard'ing off a particular point in MGS here, as for the most part Snake finishes the game with the same base-set of animations he starts with. The differences come in deciding which robotic arm you want to equip, as they can do everything from shocking guys into an unconscious state, to detaching as rockets and scooting off across the battlefield. Now, whilst AC (probably) shouldn't bring in flying rocket punches, the idea of having more moves open up hasn't been in Assassin's Creed since Brotherhood. The first game forced you to unlock the very act of catching a ledge mid-jump, and although that's obviously something you wouldn't want to take away, the notion of scratching the itch you didn't even know needed it was carried into leaping higher vertical distances in AC II. Revelations' hook-blade was the beginning of the decline, and it's one that never came back. No, Unity's "Unlock how to stab guys on the floor!" doesn't count, not by a long shot. Let's see a proper skill tree make a return, throwing out moves we didn't even know we wanted - a Tenchu-style rooftop-cling hiding option would be a start.
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