10 Things Battlefield 1 Already Does Better Than Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare

9. The Graphics Look Amazing

We may only be working off of two teaser trailers, but honestly the difference between Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is pretty obvious.

While I must admit, in recent years CoD has been upping its game on the graphics front - and Black Ops III is quite the stunner - CoD's engine is still nothing out of the ordinary. Infinite Warfare looks to be like the same game we've been getting the past couple years graphically, with still much room for improvement.

On the other hand, Battlefield 1 looks truly amazing. For the most part Battlefield has gotten by with occasionally breathtaking set-pieces and plenty of lens flare, but 2016's instalment looks like DICE are making the push to improve in every respect.

Of course, everything released so far from both games has been "in engine" footage and not actual gameplay, but from that alone, Battlefield's engine looks far superior to CoD's seemingly recycled style.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.