10 Things Mass Effect Does Better Than Star Wars

2. Aliens

Both Star Wars and Mass Effect are populated with all kinds of unique aliens, but Mass Effect has the distinct advantage of actually treating its various alien species as real characters. Despite being set in a galaxy far, far away, Star Wars is a mostly human affair, as most of the main characters across all six films are humans. Aliens are usually relegated to the background. Any aliens that are major characters, like Chewbacca and the insufferable Jar Jar Binks, are either side kicks or comic relief. In contrast, the majority of the cast of Mass Effect are aliens, and they are all given the same level of depth of character as any human. They are not defined by their species, but by their role in the story and their relationships with other characters. Garrus isn€™t just €œthe Turian,€ he has personal beliefs, goals, and character flaws that go beyond that. The same goes for Wrex, Liara, Tali, Mordin, and a host of other great characters that are too numerous to list off here. All of the major alien characters are given this same quality of attention, and the result is one of the greatest casts of alien characters in any sci-fi series. Mass Effect's aliens are also better designed than Star Wars. They never veer off between being too strange or too familiar; they strike just the right balance. You look at them and can instantly believe they could exist. Their civilizations, history, and relationships with each other are fascinating and complex. This makes them feel believable. They are the reason you fall in love with the galaxy and want to save it. They are the heart of Mass Effect.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.