10 Things Mass Effect Does Better Than Star Wars

8. Technology

A major difference between Star Wars and Mass Effect is they way in which they incorporate their technology into the narrative. For Star Wars, faster than light spaceships, lightsabers, and droids are simply a means to an end. The details of how they work are deemphasized and unimportant in relation to the story. The intricacies of the Millennium Falcon don€™t matter; it€™s how it functions within the narrative. This has always been what separates it from its nerdier counterpart Star Trek. Mass Effect, on the other hand, strikes a perfect balance in the way it integrates techno-babble with the story. It doesn€™t risk alienating casual fans like Star Trek does while still giving hardcore fans plenty of details to chew on. Advanced technology like drive cores and mass effect fields are explained sufficiently within the core narrative, and if you want to know more the options are there in the Codex and dialogue wheels. All this is to say that the technology in the Mass Effect series is more fleshed out than what is presented in the Star Wars films. While it has the same operative effect, the choice to understand how it works is always there. It€™s part of what makes Mass Effect such a great sci-fi series regardless of medium. It incorporates the science and the fiction perfectly so that, no matter what kind of fan you are, there is something to enjoy.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.