10 Things No One Wants To Admit About Bethesda RPGs
9. There's Too Many Fetch Quests

Throughout the years, Bethesda RPGs have generally stuck to the same formula. While some of their trademark style remain as entertaining today as it's always been, other parts of their games haven't aged as well.
The most frustrating of all, though, is the mission design, which sees most quests play out like basic fetch quests.
Most quests play the same across each game: talk to a character to get the objective, head to a location to collect an item or eliminate an enemy, then head back to collect the reward.
At its best, this formula can take players to some intriguing areas while pulling at enticing story threads. Sometimes, the developers even throw in other gameplay elements like puzzle solving to keep quests feeling fresh.
However, players will spend most of their time fast traveling between waypoints to complete simple tasks. Without much variation, Bethesda's quests become a string of forgettable and repetitive fetch quests. and that's not the epic adventure players hope for in AAA RPGs.
No matter how good some of these quests may be, there's only so long that fetch quests can be played before the enjoyment starts to fade.