10 Things NOBODY Wants To Admit About GTA Online

8. Open Lobbies Are Dominated By Toxic Try-Hards

GTA Online

There is nothing - nothing - more baffling about GTA Online than the playerbase itself.

Jumping into an open lobby of GTA Online is like being dropped into a war zone... a war zone filled with flying bikes and cars and all sorts of weird and mental weaponry, but a warzone all the same. You could simply be out there minding your own business trying to buy some clothes, or get ammo, or even chill on the beach with your friends, and you can guarantee someone's going to find you and kill you just for the heck of it.

It is SO bizarre. Not just because there are dedicated PVP channels to use in GTA Online, but because those who do grief other players are so try-hard-y about it. Folks will fly around in one of those weird hoverbikes and spam rockets at you until you're dead, but will then bombard you with competitive trash talk as if the game is meant to be hyper competitive. It's wild.

Obviously GTA shouldn't be some big utopia where every player joins hands and sings along to Non-Stop-Pop FM, but it shouldn't be so predictable. You could just look at someone funny in this game and they will dome you for no good reason, and while I would say it's daft Rockstar haven't attempted to rectify the situation by making non-aggro lobbies, it isn't, because it plays directly into their warped economy.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.