10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About PlayStation

2. The Wrong Kind Of Hack And Slash

PSN 2011 Hack Outage

Let's face it; PSN's security is so lax that any one of us could get into someone else's account and spend their hard earned cash on FIFA Points. This seems to be the trend after a quick Google Search, and frankly I've no intention of being hacked, so keep an eye out for a eBay listing with my name on it!

The reports have slowed down dramatically in recent months, but incidents of hacking are all too frequent on PSN. Not only that, the servers were down for hours on end in the beginning, and there are downed PSN problems all too often.

Yes, Sony refund anyone who has been hacked, but it's just not good enough. If the problem wasn't there to start off with, then it wouldn't need to be dealt with. As for the servers being down, I booted my PS4 not ten minutes before writing this very paragraph, and guess what? The servers are down and have been for 18 hours. Great.


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.