10 Things Pokémon Sun & Moon Must Fix From X & Y

2. Bring Back Peripheral Compatibility

Pokemon PokeWalker.jpg

When the Gold & Silver remakes hit the Nintendo DS system in 2009, they were accompanied by an extra peripheral in the form of the Poké Walker. This little device was essentially an extra companion to the game that allowed you to train a partner Pokémon, find useful items as you walked and even catch new - sometimes exclusive - Pokémon along the way.

The Poké Walker was a ton of fun to use, and it was a great way to stay engaged with the game even when playing through the DS wasn€™t possible. Walking the dog? Picking up a prescription? Take your favourite Pokémon with you! Now if only there were an easy way for Nintendo to get another item to keep the game going, that€™s constantly attached to their players

Well, there is! Since smart phones are essentially now glued to all of our hands like some sort of Skynet social-bot, the Pokémon Go app would be the perfect cross-compatibility tool for the new generation. Location exclusive events could be taken out of the hands of retailers, and timed events would be easier and more interactive than ever. This one really is a no-brainer.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.