10 Things Pokémon Sun & Moon Must Fix From X & Y

4. Increase The Overall Difficulty

Pokemon Roserade fainted.jpg
The Pokémon Company

Probably working hand-in-hand with the previous point, it's very clear that the difficulty has to be increased where Pokémon Sun & Moon are concerned. X & Y were an absolute doddle to work through by the time your team were around level 20 and above, and there was virtually no challenge left in the game at all past that point.

The addition of the extra training methods in X & Y were great for adding variety to the core of the game but, coupled with various other overly helpful mechanics, it did have the effect of making the game too easy. In previous generations, the experience you could earn had to be carefully dished out against the available number of worthy battles, but with the sixth generation this was not the case.

The Exp. Share item, which players are given early on in the game, actually gave experience to your whole party of Pokémon rather than just one chosen monster. I actually found myself switching the item off to preserve any sort of meaningful challenge in the game, as initially I was equally levelling six Pokémon with a near pointless ease. You may argue that these games are aimed at kids, but I played generations one and two as a kid, and the difficulty for Sun & Moon only has to meet the challenge of those titles to mark an improvement.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.