10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Final Fantasy VII

10. It Was Originally Designed For The SNES, Then The Nintendo 64

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPO7c_XmesU Up until Final Fantasy VII's arrival in 1997, Final Fantasy was exclusively a Nintendo title. This had been a big partnership for both companies; VI is still considered to be one of the finest titles on the SNES. It makes sense then that Final Fantasy VII was originally penciled in to release on the SNES with development beginning in 1994. However, due to the dwindling lifespan of the console, it was then moved to the N64. Not much is known about the game while it was being developed for Nintendo platforms; all we really have to go on is the above tech demo which shows a bigger focus on CGI. However, due to the limitations of the N64 (which the developers felt would hinder their visions for the game), Square opted to release the game on the CD-ROM based PlayStation instead, marking it the first game in the series not to appear on Nintendo hardware. Square's decision to jump ship must have hurt Nintendo big time but the relationship has healed somewhat over the years; many Final Fantasy games have seen releases on Nintendo's handheld consoles, and there have been a few spin-offs for the GameCube and Wii too. It's almost scary to think what the series would have become had Square chosen to stay exclusive to Nintendo.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.