10 Things Rockstar Must Do With Red Dead Redemption 2

1. A More Engaging Story Throughout, Not Just The Ending

Red Dead Redemption's story tends to be remembered favourably based on the game's ending. While the finale is indeed one of the greatest in all of gaming, it's easy to remember that much of the Red Dead Redemption's narrative is kind of dull. Much like how John Marston feels like a victim of circumstance, too much of the main story feels like a series of events for which you play a small part in. From time to time a character may throw a vague mention your way regarding useful information for your main quest, but for the most part the game's story is a series of mini-tales that vary greatly in terms of quality. The final act of RDR makes it abundantly clear that Rockstar knows how to tell a meaningful story in this world, and if they can stretch the most character-driven elements that make that ending so great across the entirety of RDR 2, they will have something special on their hands. What do you want to see in Red Dead Redemption 2? Let us know in the comments!

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.