10 Things To Expect From Next-Gen Gaming

5. Even More Multiplayer

If there's one thing that has really benefited from the online revolution of the current generation of video games, it is unquestionably multiplayer gaming. While we're always going to love split-screen play round a buddy's house, online play just opens up our world so much more, and makes for a more enjoyable, immersive experience. However, the flip-side of this is that developers now tend to focus more on the multiplayer aspects of their games than the single-player ones; case in point, take the Call of Duty games, which offer a short single-player campaign as essentially a starter to the far longer, more immersive multiplayer component. In short, single player gaming is becoming hugely devalued. And given how games have even been cancelled on the basis of how meagre their online prospects are, it's a slightly worrying sign for creative developers who don't want to shoehorn in poorly thought-out online modes just for the sake of it. Perhaps the future rests in brilliantly-integrated modes like in Journey, which allowed players to dive into online play without risking ruining everything with obnoxious comms and griefing.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.