10 Things Video Games REALLY Didn't Want You To See

1. Accidental Incest - The Sims 4

Spider Man 2

Considering the family-friendly nature of The Sims franchise, objectionable material sneaking its way in is incredibly problematic for EA. 

All the same, for an entire week in July 2022, a quality-of-life update for The Sims 4 accidentally added incest

The update broke something in the game's relationship system, in turn causing family members to start developing romantic feelings for one another. Ewww.

Fans widely speculated that the patch's introduction of "Wants" to the game caused a bug in the relationship structure, allowing incestual feelings to run riot throughout the game for a solid seven days.

It's a funny screw-up to a point, but if you're super invested in the family unit you've spent potentially years cultivating at this point, it can be understandably nauseating to see brother and sister pining for one another.

EA soon delivered a patch to rectify the issue, but honestly, it didn't come nearly soon enough.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.