10 Things We Want From Elder Scrolls 6

4. Some Gameplay Balancing

The Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind
Nexus Mods

It’s fair to say that Skyrim’s gameplay quirks weighted it heavily towards certain play styles. So long as you trained your stealth and archery skills to a high enough level, you could pretty much best any enemy, ducking out of sight even if they’d already spotted you several times over, and dealing them with a killer shot from out of the shadows.

It was also fairly easy to strap on your finest set of heavy armour, take up your nastiest looking warhammer, and start swinging for the fences.

Trying to master magic, on the other hand, was a completely different matter. Although you could eventually unlock incredibly powerful spells that made you almost untouchable, it seemed like so much more of a grind to earn them, when easier, more direct options were available. Early destruction and conjuration spells felt weak, while skills like alteration and illusion seemed to serve very little purpose in battle, especially when any enemy stronger than a mudcrab got within three feet of you.

Bethesda could do with balancing out their core skill groups, perhaps taking some of the power away from melee and ranged abilities, and lending a little extra, at least in the early game, to magic users. At the very least some more battlemage armour wouldn’t go amiss, so that mages don’t need to enter every battle wearing little more than a dressing gown made of burlap sack.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.