10 Things We Want From Elder Scrolls 6

2. Funny Bugs, Not Game Breaking Ones

The Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind
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Bugs tend to divide Bethesda fans. I’m not talking about cazadores, either, which are universally hated, but rather the frequent and varied glitches that can both make and break an otherwise enjoyable campaign.

Skyrim and Fallout 4 were both riddled with bugs upon release, and while some of these created hilarious, unscripted moments that were more entertaining than the vanilla game itself, others served only to halt or even erase your progress, rendering hundreds of hours of play time a waste.

Bugs are an inevitability - such is the nature of game development - and if Bethesda were to QA test every single corner of their vast, expansive game worlds, we'd undoubtedly have to wait a lot longer before being able to explore them ourselves. But we can at least pray to Talos that we get a lot more floating Argonian heads and animation lock ups than we do game breaking bugs and crashes to desktop.

Speaking as someone who couldn’t progress through Fallout: New Vegas without first acquiring a specific kind of cowboy hat, game breakers aren’t fun.


Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.