10 Things You Didn't Know About The Warriors

9. The Baseball Furies Were Born Of Walter Hill's Love Of KISS

Arguably the most iconic characters in the film save for the titular heroes, The Baseball Furies have since become pop-culture icons in their own right in a way that almost secedes from the film. Many of the gangs may have distinctive outfits such as The Boppers' dapper purple suits or the inadvisable dungarees that adorn The Punks but no look is more ingrained in our memories than the bizarre fusion of brightly coloured warpaint and baseball uniforms that the gang from Riverside, Manhattan sport.

A dramatic combination and one which certainly ramps up the film's campy quality by quite some margin, the gang's attire and use of face paint was entirely devised by director Walter Hill. Based on real life street gang Second Base, their comparatively staid uniform of letterman jackets wasn't deemed enough and this led Hill to simply fuse his passion for 'the great American past-time' and the ostentatiousness make-up of his favourite glam rockers KISS to create their signature look.

Resulting in a far more menacing aesthetic than the Gene Simmons-led band that inspired their inception, the chase scene and subsequent fight between the two gangs makes for one of the film's tensest highlights.

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The Warriors
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22 year old writer from Scotland that'll rant about music, film, wrestling, MMA or the merits of Tennent's Lager for hours if you let him.