10 Things You Didn't Know About The Warriors

2. Tony Scott Planned To Remake The Film Prior To His Death

The Warriors
2010 Getty Images

While the Russo Brothers' adaptation of the original film has set fans' pulses racing, the last time there was this level of excitement around a re-imagining of The Warriors was when it was placed in the capable hands of the late Tony Scott.

The director behind revered films such as Top Gun, Enemy Of The State, True Romance and Deja Vu among many more, he had intended to transplant the film from the neighbourhoods of 1970's New York to modern day Los Angeles in which gang culture is still very much an epidemic and due to his belief that its plot would work better within the confines of a 'horizontal city.'

Enlisting screenwriter Terrence Winter of The Sopranos/Boardwalk Empire to help bring his project to life through a compelling script, early reports brimmed with ambition and Scott proclaimed that he was 'hoping to get a hundred thousand real gang-members standing on the Vincent Thomas Bridge for one shot.'

Sadly, the film would sadly never come to fruition after the 68 year old threw himself off that very same structure after being diagnosed with an inoperable form of brain cancer.

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22 year old writer from Scotland that'll rant about music, film, wrestling, MMA or the merits of Tennent's Lager for hours if you let him.